How to Set Up Breadcrumbs With Trellis
The super easy process to add breadcrumbs to your post metadata.
Breadcrumbs can be a great addition to your post metadata for ease of navigation and even potential SEO benefits.
This article will go over how to get breadcrumbs on your Trellis site.
What SEO Plugin Do I Need?
In order to get breadcrumbs on your Trellis site, you will need to be using Yoast.
We don’t integrate with other SEO plugins at this time, so Trellis won’t be able to pull your breadcrumbs if you’re using a different plugin. If this applies to you, then in order to display breadcrumbs, you would need to switch to Yoast or potentially implement another solution with a developer.
If your SEO plugin allows for the use of breadcrumb shortcodes, another route would be to add them to ‘tha_aside_before_entry_content’ hook in Trellis Hooks (‘Appearance’ -> ‘Mediavine Trellis’ -> ‘Hooks’).” You will want to reach out to your SEO plugin support if you need help getting those shortcodes.
How to Display Yoast Breadcrumbs With Trellis
Step One: Turn on Breadcrumbs in Yoast
To start off, you will go into your Yoast plugin and make sure you have breadcrumbs enabled. If you haven’t yet enabled them, you will want to check out this help article from Yoast that walks you through the process.
In a nutshell, all you need to do is go to the Breadcrumbs tab under Search Appearance, scroll down, then toggle to Enabled to turn them on. You can configure the other settings on this page according to your liking as well.
Step Two: Add Breadcrumbs to Your Post Metadata in Trellis
Go to Appearance > Mediavine Trellis > Display and scroll down to the settings Post Meta Display – Top and Post Meta Display – Bottom.
These settings allow you to choose what metadata appears at the top and/or bottom of your posts. Open up the drop-down for whichever location you would like, then select “Yoast Breadcrumbs”. (This option will ONLY be available to you if you have first turned on Breadcrumbs in Yoast.)
That’s it! You’re done!