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Let’s take a short moment to reflect on this one thing…

Since you’ve started reading this article, an estimated 15 websites have been registered on the internet. Yeap, new blogs and eShops are popping each minute like mushrooms after a good rain.

And with this, comes one of the biggest challenges that website owners are facing every day… getting the content that they create, be it a blog post or a product, to readers and potential customers.

If you’re a website owner, I’m sure you can relate. The struggle is real! More so if you are just starting out.

So, with so much buzz, reaching people is hard, but with the right tools and mindset, very doable. Social media, for instance, is a great channel for promotion and many have learned to leverage its powers, but if you are using only social media, you are missing out on something big.

Email. Yes, email! Growing an email list and reaching out through email campaigns is one of the best ways to engage with your follower base. And here are just a few reasons why:

  • Email is a very personal thing – Users read your emails in the intimacy of their inbox, without the distractions of their social media feed. No cat gifs to catch the eye, unless you’ve added one in your newsletter.
  • Subscribers want emails from you – Subscribing to someone’s mailing list is a bit more difficult than liking a page on Facebook or following someone on Instagram. Especially if there’s email verification in place. Think of all the hassle of adding your name and email address, then going to your inbox, maybe wait a bit for the email confirmation to arrive, then confirm, just so you can receive updates from someone. If someone goes through this to join your list, they will probably be interested in the content you send their way (please don’t spam, nobody likes that).
  • Your emails reach all your subscribers – This is a biggie! Your social media posts reach only a part of your follower base. Long gone are the days of the chronological timeline where each post had it’s fair share of organic reach. Emails on the other hand are sent to every single one of your subscribers.

What Are The Benefits Of Using Email Marketing Services

You may have heard about MailChimp, Campaign Monitor, AWeber, Constant Contact, SendinBlue and so on. These are all email marketing services. What they do is offer a wide variety of tools to help you send emails and much much more.

I won’t go into a Top 7 Email Marketing Services comparison article now (this is for another day), rather I want to paint a general picture for the benefits of using such a service.

Let’s dive…

Beautiful Emails at Your Fingertips

Or email templates as they are known. This might not seem important at first. But there are so many different devices out there used for media consumption, that if you want an email to look good for all of them, you will probably need to hire someone to put it all together.

Luckily, most services provide at the click of the mouse a wide variety of templates that will most probably suit you or your business’ needs, from simple to multi-column ones, that are all desktop and mobile ready.

The beauty of it all…

You can change any template with the help of the template editor to customize it however you please and save it for later use.

Automatic Management of Your Lists

Having a clean mailing list filled only with people that want to receive emails from you can be a hard task if done manually.

Email marketing services come with a few helpful automations on this part.

Firstly, consider subscribers that no longer want to receive emails from you. They will simply click an unsubscribe link in the email you send them and they will be removed from the list.

I know, it hurts to lose them, even just one, but sending emails to people that do not want them anymore will hurt even more in the long run.

All is not lost, as some email services, upon unsubscribing prompt the user to offer feedback for their decision to leave the list. Feedback that is available to you and with which you can make improvements.

Secondly, if you don’t have email verification active for your lists, you may end up with inexistent email addresses appearing from time to time. You won’t know about them, but the email services will, by having in place mechanisms to filter them out. Pretty cool, I know.

Emails Always Arriving In The Inbox

The most important thing! Emails actually reaching your subscribers’ inboxes. If you’re just starting out you might be inclined to send emails directly from your own email.

But with over 205 billion emails sent and received daily (source), yes daily, and over 56% of them being spam (source), spam filters and Internet Service Providers are fighting a war to make sure only desired emails reach inboxes.

Sending bulk emails directly from your own email might get you marked as spam sooner than you think, even if your intensions are the best of the best.

Email services build their businesses from delivering emails to inboxes. Their reputation is based on this. They will offer you the tools and the documentation for you to build email campaigns that will be marked spam free.

Tools like email authentication for example, which help mail servers verify the authenticity and legitimacy of your emails. Our friends from Kinsta have covered this subject in detail in this article here.

They have detailed what email authentication is, what benefits it has and how you can implement it in a step by step guide, to help you always stay in the inbox, out from spam.

Subscribers and Campaigns Statistics

Tracking your business. If you’re not doing it, today is a great day to start. Swinging it just doesn’t cut it anymore in this day and age. Following your statistics and analyzing them will help you make better decisions for your business.

For email campaigns it’s the same.

Seeing how many people opened your emails, how many clicked on the call to action, which subscribers have interacted with the emails the most, where your subscribers are from. These are all crucial factors for you to better segment your mailing list and send effective and valuable emails for each one of your segments.

Now Over To You…

Hopefully you now have a better understanding of why email is important and why using an email marketing service will help your blog or eShop.

The comment sections is open. I’m really curious if you are using an email service, which one is it and why you’ve decided to go with it.

Further reading:

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