How to Create a New Account in TrellisWP
If you're new to TrellisWP, this guide will walk you through how to set-up an account.
Once you have added the product(s) you wish to purchase from TrellisWP, you’ll head to your cart to check out.
On the checkout page, you’re going to want to leave the Have an Account Already? section blank, since you don’t have a TrellisWP account already.
(Note: The Mediavine Dashboard and TrellisWP accounts are not tied together.)
Continue to fill out the Personal Info, Credit Card Info, and Billing Details sections.

The Personal Info section is what creates an account for you once the purchase is complete.
You’ll then receive an email with a temporary password that you can go use to log into your TrellisWP account and reset the password.

If you have any questions or run into trouble, don’t hesitate to reach out to [email protected]!